Sunday, July 6, 2008

Portland Interstate MAX

Portland's Interstate Avenue was the main road north to the Columbia River and Washington before I-5 was built. In decline, it's been brought back with the 2004 opening of Interstate MAX, the Yellow Line.

This is a typical station at Overlook Blvd., looking south.

The original four-lane boulevard became median tracks and bicycle lanes (looking north from Overlook Blvd.)

These 7/03 late-construction photos were before parkway landscaping was complete.

This is a standard signal-controlled intersection by Ockley Green Middle School at Ainsworth Street, looking north. Chains discourage mid-block crossing.

The 4,000-foot Vanport Bridge crosses a southern slough of the Columbia River.

(click any photo to enlarge)

The current terminus is at Expo Center on the edge of the Columbia River. A new I-5 bridge over the Columbia River may take tracks north to Vancouver, Washington.

This zig-zag pedestrian crossing directs people to look first left, then right for safety with on-coming trains.

The 5.8-mile Interstate MAX line cost $350M, of which the federal New Starts share was $257.5M.

More in this Tri-Met PDF fact sheet.

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